Pricilla Block

Pricilla Block



This music video is the true story how Priscilla Block ran into her ex at her regular bar hangout one night. While out with her friends, enjoying the night, Priscilla sees her ex and spirals downward emotionally. The video ends with the real voice message that she got from her ex that night. When filming Priscilla at the bar with her real friends (who made a cameo) we wanted to capture them hanging out and having fun; therefore, I didn’t light for a specific person but instead lit the space. This allowed us to capture real feelings and moments as we gave the subjects room to move around and shift authentically. We also chose to use colder tones in the scenes near the end where Priscilla is lamenting the ruined evening and experiencing the pain of her opened heartbreak wound again. Additionally, by getting ultra wide shots of the bedroom when she is there, we emphasize the feeling of being alone as there is a noticeable emptiness to the room.